Embracing Complexity introduces the concept of Radical Sociability; a strategy for enacting an intersectional affinity based politics. It is recommended to download the audio file and take a walk with it someplace where you will have little distraction, and hopefully some greenery. 

This piece draws on my research and includes many references from contemporary writers. For ease of listening in this format, not all references have been listed in the sound piece, but please see here for a list of quotes and acknowledgements.

I intend on continuing this research, and am very much aware of gaps in my own experiential knowledge. If you have feedback or comments, please get in touch to discuss: [email protected]

The soundtrack features music from: Lamin Fofana, Michael Valentine West, Gamelan Nyai Saraswati, JoAnn McNeil, Likhona Camane, Barraco Barner, Russell E. L. Butler, Forest Management, KMRU